Drawdown book
Drawdown book

If deployed collectively on a global scale over the next thirty years, they represent a credible path forward, not just to slow the earth’s warming but to reach drawdown, that point in time when greenhouse gases in the atmosphere peak and begin to decline. The solutions exist, are economically viable, and communities throughout the world are currently enacting them with skill and determination. They range from clean energy to educating girls in lower-income countries to land use practices that pull carbon out of the air. One hundred techniques and practices are described here-some are well known some you may have never heard of. In the face of widespread fear and apathy, an international coalition of researchers, professionals, and scientists have come together to offer a set of realistic and bold solutions to climate change. *Eric Toensmeier was a collaborator on this book edited by Paul Hawken* Perennial Egusi - A Staple Seed for the Arid Tropics.Perennial Cereal Grains: A Promise Requiring Patience and Prioritization.The most nutritious perennial vegetables for cold climates.Ecosystem Mimicry in Subtropical Florida.Integrating Livestock in the Food Forest.Spring: Season of Perennial Vegetables in the Cold-Climate Garden.Legume Trees with Pods Edible by Livestock.HARDY GINGERS FOR THE FOOD FOREST UNDERSTORY.All Nitrogen Fixers Are Not Created Equal.Online book sales back in business November 12, 2019.The most nutritious perennial vegetables for cold climates April 2, 2021.spring volunteer days at the farm April 25, 2023.trees with edible leaves in person workshop May 2, 2023."Western Front" kale Paradise Lot strain $5.00.

drawdown book drawdown book

Edible Forest Gardens, Volume I *Signed by Eric* $75.00.Eric’s most recent book is the Carbon Farming: a Global Toolkit for Stabilizing the Climate with Tree Crops and Regenerative Agriculture Practiceswhich was backed by supporters through a Kickstarter campaign. He managed an urban farm project for five years, ran a seed company, and co-developed a farm business training curriculum that is now used in eight US states and three Canadian provinces. Eric has studied permaculture and useful plants of the world for over two decades. He is an appointed lecturer at Yale University, and an international trainer, presenting in English and Spanish in the US, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, and the Caribbean. Eric Toensmeier is the award-winning author of Paradise Lot and Perennial Vegetables, and the co-author of Edible Forest Gardens as well as a contributor for Drawdown.

Drawdown book